Well folks, what can I say? This has probably been most people’s worst year of their lives. I know it has been mine. SO much has been taken from us this year, and I don’t like it. And I know others don’t like it either. Businesses have suffered so much…some have had to close. People are struggling with isolation which lead to depression, alcohol, drug addiction and who knows what else. Birthday celebrations have ceased. Visiting your loved ones in nursing homes and hospital has ceased. Funeral hugs are gone. And the poor school kids. These innocent creatures I believe are suffering the most. Being denied the one thing that kids need the absolute most: their friends and socialization. All caused from a stupid virus.
I could go more into detail about this virus, but it truly is not worth the aggravations and blood pressure rising that happens to me when I discuss this C word.
With that being said, I now want to focus on positivity, which in my opinion, everyone needs more of. It is very easy to get into the gloom and doom of things, my God, just turn on the news and you’ll find yourself immediately depressed. OR scroll through Facebook. I have never seen so much hatred and evil things than I have seen this year on FACEBOOK ever…friends arguing with friends over politics, or covid beliefs. Simply said, it is sad what has happened to friendships which have been lost over this….
SO how does one think positive amidst all this chaos that is going on? That’s a tough one but for me, I absolutely refuse to think about tomorrow. Now I don’t mean things like the work I have to do, or the people I need to call. I am talking about tomorrow what will happen in the world…. will the covid color charts change? Will school kids go back to the classroom? Will they shut things down again?
These are things that I cannot control so I refuse to allow my mind to be used on such senseless thinking. SO, whatever it is you can’t control, let it go. Live for the moment. Call your kids, your family, or your friends. Send funny pictures via text messages….LAUGH. Stick to always showing compassion and kindness to others. We are all in this together and if everyone stopped their worrying and their anger, we would all probably get along better. Use the word love a lot. Do things that makes yourself feel better. Exercise. Eat healthier. GO ahead and have a few drinks. Life is way too short to sit and worry about tomorrow. Let it go.
Now I know for some of us, this year has also brought extra heartache and pain. You may have lost a loved one. A parent or parents. A child. Add all that on top of the C word and wow. Rough. It’s hard to stay upbeat and positive with these things. But one has to. Seek counseling if necessary. Many therapists are offering zoom meetings or phone session. Talk to friends or a clergy person. Talk to your bartender. They are all ears when you need them the most. Whatever you need to do. Do it.
We have to keep the faith. And as for Jills, I know the owners and they have struggled with all this stuff but are trying to keep the faith. The bar is still open for your favorite cold drinks and good conversations with a pretty lady or two. So please still come up and see us. Make the best of what we have been dealt with. For now…. Better things are on the way!
Have a safe and Merry Christmas and let’s all hope to hell we have a BETTER NEW YEAR!!!