Writing this blog is going to be so different from all my other blogs.
Before, I got the pleasure of talking about the beautiful Jill’s dancers, the awesome stage and light show that Jill’s has, the bachelor and divorce parties and just plain fun and exciting things… But this blog is different because right now the world is different.
We are all confined to our homes because of this coronavirus pandemic.
Some of us still have to work because we are considered “essential” by the government. I feel so damn honored…. Anyway, we are no longer allowed to come and go as we please, which right now is probably a good thing since we do need to contain this virus. The sooner we get this contained and people no longer can contract this terrible thing, the sooner we will be able to return to normal.
Whatever normal is.
For me, it’s once again being able to go to Jill’s after work or on the weekends, grab some cold ones and be entertained by hot, naked women
So, keep the faith everyone. We just have to be patient. It’s hard but we have to. Jill’s naughty girls will be back, and they will be fully rested and energized to put on one hell of a show!
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!