Hello to all my Jill’s Gentlemen’s Club Blog readers!! Last month I wrote about all the music that I love to watch the dancers at Jill’s dance to. Today I am going to touch on the art of the strip tease…. the whole concept of a great strip club dance act.
There is nothing better than watching a woman shed her clothing little by little to an amazing, sensuous song. The slower the girls go, the better it is for me. It gives my brain (and other body parts I won’t mention) time to fully absorb the dance act that I am watching. I become mesmerized and almost start drooling a little. Remember the strip act from the movie 9 ½ Weeks? I almost needed oxygen just waiting for Kim Basile to finally get those clothes off. Take a quick look
My next favorite strip scene is Jessica Biel in Powder Blue. Another heart pounding strip act where the best scene has her straddling and twirling on a stripper pole before she splashes her ridiculously toned body with hot wax. Check it out here, and I am warning you now if you have a pacemaker, please don’t watch.
How are you feeling now? All keyed up and ready to pounce for sure! To get the real deal, make your plans now to head up to Jill’s Gentlemen’s Club and let the strip dance experiences begin.