So, it’s July.
And the Coronavirus is still lingering. For a while, I thought we were in the clear. But then new cases started popping up. Jill’s has re-opened and the girls are there, but due to the current coronavirus restrictions, the girls are not able to dance on stage.
Why you ask? I have no idea. Some rule that someone made up to make my life just a little more miserable.
Don’t get me wrong, rules are rules and Jill’s will follow every rule put into place. That’s what they do. But on a personal level, being a typical horn-dog guy that I am, I hate it. But let’s look on the bright side: I can still talk to the girls and I can still look at them. They wear incredible sexy outfits that show off their amazing, heavenly bodies. And their shoes…. oh, how I love high heels. I can have some cold beers and discuss life topics with them. I can laugh and I can relax.
All beneficial to me.
I can wait for the dancing.