Hey everyone, its Jill’s Gentlemen’s Club biggest fan!
Things here in West Virginia are slowly opening back up and Jill’s, I pray to God, will be one of them.
Rumor has it it will be opening soon…
Starting next week (the week of May 25th) bars can reopen at 50% of seating capacity.
Is Jill’s Considered a Bar?

I consider it a bar since all my favorite alcoholic drinks are created by the bartender there. As a matter of fact, I am going to get a drink right now in honor of the bartenders at Jill’s and drink it as I write this blog about my thoughts on social distancing at Jill’s. Remember, these are my thoughts, so bear with me…
Social Distancing
One if the social distancing rules are that Indoor seating capacity must be at 50%. Okay, no problem, 50% is better than zero percent.
Another rule is Bar spacing. No problem there, I’ll sit 6 feet away from the next person. As long as my eyes can see the girls dancing on the stage, I am good.
Then there is a separate entrances rule. Jill’s already has a separate entrance and I will gladly stand 6 feet away from others as I enter. I am so easy to get along with…really. This is not a problem for me
Reducing Contact
They want to “Establish clear paths” – This simply means they want marked ingress/egress to and from restrooms. I can’t imagine that being a problem with any man. And sometimes I need lead anyway. I will take whatever path they want me to take to get to the can.
Then there’s the “Limit contact with guests” rule. Now that may be a problem for me. And most likely others. I mean, we finally get to see these ladies and now I have to stay apart from them.
However, for the time being, things like being close to & lap dances may have to be prohibited for a while.
I get it. A sacrifice that all of us will have to take for a while.
Screening Employees Daily
OK, so the dancers, bouncers , bartender’s, wait staff and management will have to be asked some health questions daily, such as have you been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
- Do you have a cough?
- Shortness of breath?
- …and on and on.
Actually, no matter where you are working, these are questions employers must ask. I believe this won’t be a problem for the employees. I really think they are just happy to be back to work and will do what needs done.
Other Rules are:
Temperature checks. Again, a small obstacle to the path of reopening my favorite place to be.
Trainings for employees about the importance of hand-washing and to avoid touching their faces. Most people I believe are sincerely washing their hands and avoiding touching their faces. That’s what we all have been doing now for weeks. This will be no different for them.
Cleaning. Jill’s is already one of the cleanest clubs in the valley, so cleaning more often and practicing safety measures will just become part of their new routine.
Wearing a Mask. If the girls are wearing masks, that in my eyes is pretty hot. As long as they take off their clothes, who cares if they are wearing a mask. The main goal here is to see them naked.

Will I have to wear a mask? If they want me to wear a mask, guess what? I will gladly put on a mask. However, drinking my drink may be an issue, so the mask may have to be removed from time to time.
Hand sanitizer and hand washing. I would be happy to continually apply hand sanitizer to my hands after handling money or whatever. A small sacrifice for the pleasure of just being at Jill’s finally.

I will do whatever it takes. I hope to see everyone soon!